Saturday, 8 April 2017

Saturday is a FUNDAY - Bubble Blow and Pictionary 08/04/2017

ACTIVITY NAME: Bubble Blow, Pictionary
BATCH: 0012 & 0013
DATE: April 8, 2017

The Saturday was celebrated as a FUNDAY to rejuvenate the trainees. The trainees were very enthusiastic. The following games were organised:
1. Bubble Blow where trainees had to blow the balloons in 3 minutes. They were divided into groups of 2 members each. Group with maximum number of  balloons won the game.

2. Pictionary. In this game, slips were prepared with the names of objects. The trainee had to come and pick the slip and draw. Other had to guess. The time limit was 1 min. 

3. Damsharaz: To create more fun, another game was suggested and played by the trainees where one had to act and others had to guess the name of movie, festival or place.

Pictures for reference!!!

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